Mother Earth

June Week 3

June Week 3

EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE - this week we are going to explore the four elements. We’ll get down in the dirt, play in the water, run with the wind, and harness the power of the sun!

The Fair Days of May

The Fair Days of May

Every spring there is a day when suddenly the world looks very green again. The slightly green halo of the trees is transformed into pure green wherever you look. The day may be slightly sooner or later than it was last year. It is the day the trees are telling us: summer really is on it’s way! Has that day happened where you live?

Planting Time!

Planting Time!

In Ontario, the May long weekend is traditionally the opening of outdoor gardening season. Gardeners start many seeds inside ahead of time and have laboured to prepare the garden beds to receive the baby plants. Other seeds can be planted straight into the garden once the risk of a visit from Jack Frost has passed. Do you have a garden you are tending? What plants are growing in your garden?