
Candlemas, Imbolc, St. Brigid’s Day, Groundhog Day

Candlemas, Imbolc, St. Brigid’s Day, Groundhog Day

What do these festivals, celebrations, and special days have in common? They all mark the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In the dark and cold and, sometimes, bleak days of winter, marking the halfway point can bring a sense of hope and optimism. We are getting closer every day to spring!

In the Winter Garden

In the Winter Garden

The landscape is white with snow. The branches of the fir and pine trees are draped in a beautiful white blanket. It’s time to bundle up in warm layers and head out to find joy in the creation of snow angels, sculpting of snow beings, discovery of tracks, ice skating, tobogganing, and construction of snow forts!

The Fair Days of May

The Fair Days of May

Every spring there is a day when suddenly the world looks very green again. The slightly green halo of the trees is transformed into pure green wherever you look. The day may be slightly sooner or later than it was last year. It is the day the trees are telling us: summer really is on it’s way! Has that day happened where you live?

Planting Time!

Planting Time!

In Ontario, the May long weekend is traditionally the opening of outdoor gardening season. Gardeners start many seeds inside ahead of time and have laboured to prepare the garden beds to receive the baby plants. Other seeds can be planted straight into the garden once the risk of a visit from Jack Frost has passed. Do you have a garden you are tending? What plants are growing in your garden?

In the Garden

In the Garden

Day by day the earth awakens a little more. Maybe you have been tending some little seedlings inside your home - waiting for the day you can transfer them to their outside garden home. Maybe you have been keeping an eye on a nest near your home and patiently waiting for the baby chicks to hatch. (One of the nests by my house has four blue eggs in it and the other nest has three blue eggs in it!). Spring is so full of wonder, anticipation, and excitement!

The Merry Month of May

The Merry Month of May

The days and nights are getting warmer. The sun is staying up later in the evening. There is a greenish hue to the branches of the deciduous trees. The birds are busy building nests or caring for freshly hatched chicks. (We have two pairs of robins who have chosen to build nests on the sides of our house!!). The forest is full of sweet scents. It is getting easier to be outside as we shed layers of clothing. Oh - the merry month of May! We welcome you!